Thursday, December 13, 2007


Well...I survived the Reserve Art Event. The Universe gave me sales...but, not a sell out. Turned out the Universe was listening to another underlying request deep in my heart. That request has been going on for quite some was to develop a new art technique and take my paintings to a new level. Because the sales were a little slower than I had hoped...I had the time to discover and develop this new technique. I know it will take my artwork to all the places I dream about in the future.

My challenge now is to completely turn my studio around in 6 days. It's a mess...a disaster after preparing for the online show. I need to open the doors to the public December 21. Yikes.

So...starting today...I'm on a mission accomplish this.

My card for today said: All-That-Is...Is Benefiting from My Existence.

"No matter what has caused your unique point of view to come about-it has come about. You do exist; you are thinking; you are perceiving; you are asking ---and you are being answered. And All-That-Is is benefiting from your existence and from your point of view."

Wow... this is so good to know. Instead of getting down about creating a huge mess in my studio, I need to realize how many people benefited from the great artwork that was created. Not the mess. I wrote about this 6 day challenge on my art blog to help me meet my goals. I also need to realize that others will find inspiration and help through my shortcomings and accomplishments.

I will meet all of my goals in the next 6 days. I'll get this place turned around and looking fantastic. Because there will be a lot of people who will walk through that door and benefit from my work...and my existence.

I've got a lot of work to do. But, I'm up for the challenge!!!! Love to ALL!!!!

Friday, December 7, 2007


Today is my Reserve Art Event. I have loads still to do by 7pm.

I'm thankful that everything is coming together. I'm thankful for the computer and Internet. I'm thankful for my talent. I'm thankful for my family. I'm thankful for Danny. I'm thankful that the coffee didn't leave a spot of my nice shirt today.

I will get everything done by 7pm with ease and no stress. All the items will be listed, video shot, and the invitation will arrive in every one's email at 7pm. I have the power to make all this happen.

From the universe I need a sell out show.

Thank you so much. I love you.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


Beside my bed, I have a set of Ester and Jerry Hicks "Ask and It Is Given" Cards. They are magical cards that help you to return to your personal power. Unfortunately, I'm usually too tired at night, and too busy in the morning to use them. So, I decided to bring them to the studio with me to help me get into the best frame of mind to start my day. I tried it yesterday, and it worked much better. I chose a card, and thought and studied it. I found myself remembering it's teachings throughout the day. So, I'm going to try to make it a daily habit.

This is my card for today: I Will Do My Best To Make The Best of It. On the backside it says - A key to regaining your feeling of empowerment is to decide, right now, no matter how good or how bad you are feeling, you are going to do your best to make the best of it. Do that again and again, and in a short period of time you will find yourself in a very good-feeling place.

I know this is so true. But, it is so hard right now. I am worried and stressed over my Reserve Art Event this Friday. I'm going to bed late, and not sleeping well. Deep down, I know it's totally silly. I've already had several customers contact me about buying several of the pieces. I've had wonderful people in blogland write about the event to promote it for me. I have some really great, pieces for it. Some of the best that I've done in years. But, still I worry. I worry that it won't be good enough, or that I won't have enough items. I worry that I'll disappoint someone. I totally need to get over this and change my mindset or all those worries will manifest.

So, today...I will do my best to feel great about myself and my show. I will enjoy the feeling of it's success before it gets here. I will take care of myself, and get rest.

Today, I'm thankful that my kids sprung into action and managed to get to school on time, even though Mom was running behind. I'm thankful that my wonderful husband called the electrician to meet today to get more light into my studio. I'm thankful that I have this great big, fabulous studio to create in everyday. I'm thankful for my talent.

From the Universe I need a sell out show. Thank you. I love you.