Thursday, December 13, 2007


Well...I survived the Reserve Art Event. The Universe gave me sales...but, not a sell out. Turned out the Universe was listening to another underlying request deep in my heart. That request has been going on for quite some was to develop a new art technique and take my paintings to a new level. Because the sales were a little slower than I had hoped...I had the time to discover and develop this new technique. I know it will take my artwork to all the places I dream about in the future.

My challenge now is to completely turn my studio around in 6 days. It's a mess...a disaster after preparing for the online show. I need to open the doors to the public December 21. Yikes.

So...starting today...I'm on a mission accomplish this.

My card for today said: All-That-Is...Is Benefiting from My Existence.

"No matter what has caused your unique point of view to come about-it has come about. You do exist; you are thinking; you are perceiving; you are asking ---and you are being answered. And All-That-Is is benefiting from your existence and from your point of view."

Wow... this is so good to know. Instead of getting down about creating a huge mess in my studio, I need to realize how many people benefited from the great artwork that was created. Not the mess. I wrote about this 6 day challenge on my art blog to help me meet my goals. I also need to realize that others will find inspiration and help through my shortcomings and accomplishments.

I will meet all of my goals in the next 6 days. I'll get this place turned around and looking fantastic. Because there will be a lot of people who will walk through that door and benefit from my work...and my existence.

I've got a lot of work to do. But, I'm up for the challenge!!!! Love to ALL!!!!

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