Today was an interesting day. I actually got a lot done, which was surprising. Usually when I have to work a shift at my co-op gallery (Blue Door) it kinda messes up my day. But, I took a lot of jewelry supplies with me and got a lot of work done there. This is one of the necklaces that I finished. It's a little edgy and different from my usual jewelry work...but I like it. It is a vintage pistol/pocket knife that I found at an antique store in St. Augustine.
Yesterday, was a bit unusual. It was a little hard opening up so much here, and having friends leave comments already. Wow....I didn't really expect that. I always feel bad because I have zero time to surf through interesting blogs and leave comments. I hope people understand and are not too insulted by my poor blog etiquette. But, the comments that were left here and on my art site, were so encouraging. I cannot tell you how much they help me everyday. And it's also fantastic to hear that I've inspired someone too.
I tried to work on the webcam yesterday...but it was not successful yet. I was a little bummed about it. But, then in my email box this morning I had an note from an artist, Jonathan "Blade" Manning. He has webcast on Ustream for art journaling. He gave me a shout out in his latest broadcast and contacted me to be a highlighted artist in his next broadcast. He wants to use my resin technique. I was amazed at how fluent he was with the webcam...and definitely felt it was karma that he contacted me. So, I asked him to help me with the webcam...and I'll give him permission to use my YouTube video, and technique. Pretty cool, huh. I just hope he says yes. I love how things work out like that sometimes....
Well, gotta go for now. I managed to get some of the new jewelry in the Etsy store today, and went back to Ebay to sell some of my non-art items. I'm still floored by how much they are charging....but I don't know of anything better for non-vintage items. Let me know if you do...
Off to make dinner...fried green tomato pizza....yummmm....