Today I'm thankful for the happiness and fulfillment I feel in my heart from being able to do what I love so much. My studio in the picture. I'm thankful for my life partner who reminded me last night that I'm not the Queen, and should help out around the house a little more. I'm thankful that my 6 year old listened to my "firm, most serious, Mom speech" about her behavior and took it to heart. I'm thankful that my 13 year old is such a responsible young man, and helped out in a rush this morning without being asked. I'm thankful I finished the painting for the book, and the author seemed very happy with it.
My intentions for today are to create with love and passion. Enjoy my life. Be considerate of others and not get too wrapped up in myself.
From the Universe I need....more folks to buy my artwork at the reserve art event. I need more people to discover and love my work on the Internet. Security in all aspects of my life.
Thank you for everything. I love you.